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26 مرداد


معنیSuspension:تعلیق – تاخیر – سوسپانسیون
مترادف : act of suspending; state of being suspended; postponement; temporary debarment; framework that supports a vehicle on its axles (Mechanics); particles suspended in a fluid (Chemistry)
مثالهایی از کاربرد این کلمه
In this respect, animal cells are quite unlike those of bacteria, which grow happily in suspension.
It was this that suggested that there had been pricing errors which lead to the suspension of the trusts.
She was denied any opportunity to appear before councillors in order to appeal against her suspension.

توسعه کلمه:

در فیلد زیر مثالها، کاربردها، نوع کلمه، مترادفها، متضادها و دیگر موارد را به اشتراک گذاشته و در مورد هر یک نظر خود را اعلام نمایید.

لینک کوتاه

نظر خود را اضافه کنید.

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