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13 مرداد


معنیIntegral: کلی درست
مترادف : something which is whole, entire thing; Riemann integral, expression which will produce a given differential when differentiated (Mathematics)
مثالهایی از کاربرد این کلمه
We find that fractions follow certain laws corresponding exactly with those of integral multipliers, and we are therefore able to deal with the fractional numbers as if they were integers.
The French emperor, at the supposed request of the doge of Genoa, declared the Ligurian Republic to be an integral part of the French empire.
Any one introspectively apprehending the facts must grant, he thought, that benevolence was an integral part of human nature and that conscience was rightfully supreme.

توسعه کلمه:

در فیلد زیر مثالها، کاربردها، نوع کلمه، مترادفها، متضادها و دیگر موارد را به اشتراک گذاشته و در مورد هر یک نظر خود را اعلام نمایید.

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