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گزینه های * دار الزامی می باشند.
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تائیدیه نشانی پست الکترونیک *
07 مرداد


معنیInattentive: بی دقت
مترادف : not attentive, heedless; negligent
مثالهایی از کاربرد این کلمه
You were only inattentive, but you had talent--oh yes, you had talent!
 شما بی دقت بودی ، اما استعداد داشتی ، بله بااستعداد بودی
Gibbon asserts that the Greeks were inattentive either to the use or to the abuse of chemistry (Decline and Fall, chap. xiii.), and gives the Arabs the credit of the origin and improvement of the science (chap. lii.).
During his exile he had surrounded himself with young men of the same spirit as himself, such as Buckingham and Bennet, who, without having any claim to statesmanship, inattentive to business, neglectful of the national interests and national prejudices, became Charles's chief advisers.

توسعه کلمه:

در فیلد زیر مثالها، کاربردها، نوع کلمه، مترادفها، متضادها و دیگر موارد را به اشتراک گذاشته و در مورد هر یک نظر خود را اعلام نمایید.

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